If I put something together that’s on the internet and isn’t ham radio or homelab related, chances are you’ll find it here!
Lead author of SC24-W’s Improving transition to IPv6-only via RFC8925 and IPv4 DNS Interventions
Co-author of PEARC24’s Designing, Constructing, and Operating an IPv6 Network at SC23: A case study in implementing the IPv6 protocol on a heterogenous network that supports the SC23 conference
PHTV4 “Where the Road Rises” Guest:
PancakesCon 4 Presentation:
VetSecCon ’23 Presentation:
BlueTeamCon Online Presentation:
Veterans Spotlight blog post for the dayjob:
PacketPushers Heavy Networking Episode 662:
Did a talk on ESNet’s Cyberinfrastructure Lunch & Learn series for the dayjob:
Made it into a Packetpushers Human Infrastructure newsletter!
YouTuber “Rodan in the Diesel Wagon” made a video tutorial on QDMR using the write-up from this blog over at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0zcwnjZBkQ
Went onto Cyber Warrior’s Security Happy Hour podcast, which also found its way onto YouTube:
When I first launched kd9cpb.com, I was worried I didn’t have enough content to make people want to stick around the site. So I did a “CCNA Candidate Toolbox” category with some non-technical advice for those entering network security & network-adjacent fields. It was really fun writing about my oddball path into network engineering & automation!
These posts took a ton of time to write and didn’t really get the view counts I had hoped for. I’ll still leave them on the internet indefinitely, you can access the entire category of posts by clicking on this link. But I won’t be writing any more on this topic. Check out Labeveryday and Art of Network Engineering if you want to see newer, similar content.
Co-wrote an article in US Cybersecurity Magazine
Spoke at Datacenterworld 2018. I don’t have a copy of the talk that I can put on the public internet, but there is a quirky teaser video for the talk on YouTube: